Permaculture inspired garden design
It's a valuable investment!
Permaculture garden design will serve as a basis for building an edible garden.
It supports biodiversity on your property and applies regenerative methods of growing fruits and vegetables, specifically the "NO DIG" method. It makes efficient use of rainwater and builds on existing resources on your property.
Individual Approach
I dedicate ourselves to you individually.
Your vision is crucial
Without you, it wouldn't be possible.
Always functional and aesthetic results
Aesthetically tailored to what you like.
The result is a graphic design in 2D format, typically at a scale of 1:100, accompanied by a textual description that guides you on how to proceed with the implementation of the proposed elements.
What will you get?
A comprehensive layout plan for the arrangement of trees, shrubs, and other garden elements.
Your garden will contribute to an increase in biodiversity.
As you desire
Your garden will consider your individual needs and preferences.
You will gain valuable knowledge and guidance on how to maintain your garden in a sustainable manner.
Krásny návrh kompletnej prerábky starej záhrady. V návhru sú výborné nápady a skvele využitý priestor, ktorý záhrada ponúka. Dostaneme tak krásny, funkčný a využitý priestor na maximum.
Naše Brownbag sessions pokračujú aj tento rok:) Každý mesiac iná téma, cestovanie, praktické rady a tipy od našich kolegov alebo od externých spikrov. Keďže jar je tu čoskoro, vyskúsali sme si ako zacat' s pestovaním ovocia a zeleniny na balkóne a uvidime, čo nám vyrastie. Ďakujeme našej permakultúrnej dizajnérke Klaudii Uváčikovej
Úžasný proklienstky pristup, ktorého výsledkom je krásny dizajn jedlej záhrady s prvkami, ktoré by mi asi nikdy nenapadli. Už sa nemôzem dočkat' realizácie.